• Homestead,  Life Stuff

    This is 41

    Ouch. Just writing that hurts. I mean like I just winced. Where did it go? I’ve never been one with a lot of self-confidence. Whether that came from insecurities in my head or from voices surrounding me in my lifetime, it just isn’t there. I’ve always picked myself apart. As a woman though, who doesn’t? I’ve picked apart my body when it was younger and now looking back, it was perfect! What was I thinking to be so hard on myself? This picture is hard. I hate it, but I love it. See how my arms look thinner? That’s because I leaned forward for a more flattering angle. So my…

  • Homestead,  Kid's Stuff,  True Story,  Writing

    Nose to Nose

    I adore this picture. If ever someone were to ask me my most favorite movie, song, restaurant for example, I could never narrow it down. I’m horribly indecisive. But if you ask me my most favorite picture? I would instantly know. THIS picture. I am a mom. I’m a mom when they’re praising me and think I am the best mom ever. I am a mom when I’m having to be the bad guy and they hate me because I love them enough to discipline them. I am a mom when they’re feeling low, having a bad day and need me to pick them up when feeling sad and make them…

  • Love Stuff,  True Story,  Uncategorized

    Don’t eat my nachos, they’re na-chos

      Look at Us? I remember this day. Falling over laughing while ice skating. Funny how a blurry photo can bring back so many feelings. Love, laughter, fun, my best friend, always real. What’s amazing, is that’s how everyday is with him. Except for Nachos. Yes, nachos. If this were a “Friends” episode, it wold be titled ” the one about the nachos”. I love nachos. Especially the really not good for you ones, with the fake, spicy, gooey cheese you get at a movie theatre. It was the first time taking the kiddos to the drive in. They loved it. The brisk air, the blankies and pillows, candy and…

  • Love Stuff

    Pray for your husband

            Pray for your husband. Have you ever really thought about that? Pray for your husband. What does that mean exactly? What are the right words to say? Are there right words to say? I settled on telling God about my pride in my husband, gratefulness for his heart and who he is. My ever increasing awareness of how selfless he really is. I never worry if I am enough, because he always makes know that I am.He loves me, all of me and never do I worry that I’ve disappointed him. His kindness towards animals. That may sound silly, but I’m a firm believer of being…

  • Stuff to Fill the House

    How to get your kids to actually EAT leftovers

    This sounds silly. Well, let’s start at the beginning. I don’t know how to cook small. I just don’t. So we always end up with lots of leftovers. Which everyone loves, especially for school lunches, since sandwiches get old after a while. But here was my problem. Open the fridge. A sea of Tupperware, filled with lots of different things. Amazing things. But sometimes even the yummiest things doesn’t look very appealing all mushed up in a container. In fact, sometimes it looks nothing like when it was freshly made. So here was our family’s dilemma. Kids would go to heat up something, and be at a loss of what…

  • Life Stuff

    FYI: Don’t bring your kids to the DMV

            Not sure which is worse, waiting at the DMV without an appointment or, waiting at the DMV without an appointment AND someones 2 year old screaming THE WHOLE TIME.   It was my own fault. I’d put off getting my name changed for a year. Now that’s not to say I didn’t attempt this many times, I did. Once having to leave because I waited so long, it was time to get the kids from school. Four hours waiting, for nothing. So I attempted making an appointment. Only to find out the day before that there was a glitch and though I made the appointment and…

  • Love Stuff

    The Clink

    It’s funny how quickly you become accustomed to something. Twirling, slipping it on, then off, back and forth. A novelty to play with. But this morning, as I started my daily devotion, coffee in hand and a heart full of things to talk to God about, something was missing. As I began the motion I did everyday, to hold my mug with both hands, tapping my ring finger on the shiny white ceramic, it was silent. Something was missing. The clink. I realized I had left my wedding rings on my elephant ring holder after doing the breakfast dishes. I missed the clink. I missed the familiarity of it. The…