Homestead,  Kid's Stuff,  True Story,  Writing

Nose to Nose

I adore this picture. If ever someone were to ask me my most favorite movie, song, restaurant for example, I could never narrow it down. I’m horribly indecisive. But if you ask me my most favorite picture? I would instantly know. THIS picture.

I am a mom. I’m a mom when they’re praising me and think I am the best mom ever.

I am a mom when I’m having to be the bad guy and they hate me because I love them enough to discipline them.

I am a mom when they’re feeling low, having a bad day and need me to pick them up when feeling sad and make them feel better.

I am a mom when they need hugs of praise.

I am a mom when they need a hug, because nothing is reaching their heart, but love will.

I am a mom when I’m at the end of my rope and praying asking God for guidance on how to discipline, and walk to my room to cry, so they don’t see.

I am a mom when I make Instagram worthy breakfasts and school lunches and after school snacks and I think to myself, hey, I’m a good mom.

I am a mom when they get an unhealthy Pop Tart for breakfast or “pick your own snacks for lunch”,  because it was a bad morning. Hey, it happens.

I am a mom when I’m cheering on at school functions, or telling them they did a great job on a test score.

I am a mom when they’re sick of hearing me on repeat about their chores, or hygiene, or eating healthy. That’s ok. I’m trying to raise good adults.

I am a mom when I mess up, and they lovingly forgive me.


I am a mom.

I am a mom.

I am a mom.

This is the picture, where I asked him for kisses, nose to nose, that makes me teary eyed and brings back a flood of memories, reminding me that I AM A MOM.

Most importantly, I am THEIR mom.

They are mine and I am theirs.

And in my heart, no matter the circumstances, I will forever picture each of them, their arms wrapped around me,  big slobbery kisses and nose to nose.