True Story

Super Woman

Same routine. Day in. Day out. Alarm goes off, kids, breakfast, lunches, backpacks, the daily drill.

A notification on social media from my daughter that honestly, I’d usually overlook until I needed something to read while I was pooping. Yes, I said it, pooping. Secrets out, I poop.

But I opened it early that morning.

It was plain and to the point;

Describe your mom in two words.

Her response?

Super Woman.

It made me smile. It made my heart all warm and fuzzy. Made my day actually.

The right hand blinker made that ticky sound. Tick, tick as I entered the freeway on the way back from drop offs at three different schools that day.

Reality set in.

Super Woman?

I am not Super Woman. I felt like a fraud. I wasn’t deserving of that title. I cry, daily. Curse, more than I should. Fail them what feels like constantly. Can’t seem to make everyone happy at the same time. I can’t even make everyone happy at the same meal. I’m tired. Cranky. Sometimes drown in what feels like one day to the next. Pray and pray again for guidance in how to raise them, asking God how I can bless them each day. Praying for all six of our kids daily, no matter how hard the day is because they are our kids. Sometimes I don’t think they fully know how much of our hearts as moms ache everyday just trying to do the right thing by them, and then somehow we mess it up. We make little mistakes that we hope they won’t remember and then monumental ones, that you know will stay with them forever. Suddenly I have a better understanding of what my parents went though and a much larger heart of forgiveness, knowing they did the best they could.

Super Woman.

To her, I’m Super woman.

To her, I make things happen, even when I’ve cried, or cursed or exhausted. I’ve done my best to make them happy everyday. I’ve gone out of my way to try and make most of them happy at meals. I have prayed for them. Tell them I love them everyday. Little things, that end up being big things.

She knows I fail, she knows I’ve fallen.

But most of all, she knows I love her.

And for that, I have done my job and done it well and THAT makes me Super Woman in her eyes.

I am Super Woman.