• Homestead,  Kid's Stuff,  True Story,  Writing

    Nose to Nose

    I adore this picture. If ever someone were to ask me my most favorite movie, song, restaurant for example, I could never narrow it down. I’m horribly indecisive. But if you ask me my most favorite picture? I would instantly know. THIS picture. I am a mom. I’m a mom when they’re praising me and think I am the best mom ever. I am a mom when I’m having to be the bad guy and they hate me because I love them enough to discipline them. I am a mom when they’re feeling low, having a bad day and need me to pick them up when feeling sad and make them…

  • Love Stuff,  True Story,  Uncategorized

    Don’t eat my nachos, they’re na-chos

      Look at Us? I remember this day. Falling over laughing while ice skating. Funny how a blurry photo can bring back so many feelings. Love, laughter, fun, my best friend, always real. What’s amazing, is that’s how everyday is with him. Except for Nachos. Yes, nachos. If this were a “Friends” episode, it wold be titled ” the one about the nachos”. I love nachos. Especially the really not good for you ones, with the fake, spicy, gooey cheese you get at a movie theatre. It was the first time taking the kiddos to the drive in. They loved it. The brisk air, the blankies and pillows, candy and…

  • True Story,  Writing


    Comfort. I think it’s fairly safe to say that each day, we all want to be comfortable. We chase after money, things we can buy, a status to attain to for appearance sake, in attempt to find comfort. The more “stuff” we have, the more money we make, the easier life is the better, right? And when things aren’t comfortable? The jobs that are lost, money is tight, seems like anything that can go wrong does, our health is suffering, we find ourselves questioning why? While we are striving for comfort, wanting things easy and seamless, God is wanting something else entirely. God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He…

  • True Story,  Uncategorized

    Joanna Gaines

    You are my goal.   Sitting here eating my morning eggs, and I have my most favorite magazine staring back at me, Magnolia Journal. You know you’re getting older when your taste in magazines have changed from US Weekly, to journalistic home magazines. I’m ok with that. She’s really got it all together, you know? From that long flowing dark hair, tiny frame even though she’s baking baby number five, and to top it all off, she’s built an empire. I wish I was her. I want my empire. I want every ounce of creative inspiration I’ve ever experienced to finally come out in some form. She’s so lucky. It…

  • True Story

    Super Woman

    Same routine. Day in. Day out. Alarm goes off, kids, breakfast, lunches, backpacks, the daily drill. A notification on social media from my daughter that honestly, I’d usually overlook until I needed something to read while I was pooping. Yes, I said it, pooping. Secrets out, I poop. But I opened it early that morning. It was plain and to the point; Describe your mom in two words. Her response? Super Woman. It made me smile. It made my heart all warm and fuzzy. Made my day actually. The right hand blinker made that ticky sound. Tick, tick as I entered the freeway on the way back from drop offs…